Unsent Message

Clarina Tiara Agneta
2 min readSep 7, 2024


Have you ever fallen a sleep in a public place?
Even when its so crowded and loud, you feel lonely…All you can do is to enjoy every single sound around you with your eyes close

I enjoyed my sleeping time around the GBK park sometimes..

That children footsteps shows how excited they are

That kebab smells from the corner shop

That horn from the cars so loud..
And that was when I realize, how lonely I am lately..

And those days when I fell asleep in the apartment pool

I hear the sound of the wind through the leaves

The sound of a mother convincing her child to take a bath

Or just the smell of baby perfume from some toddlers around

I remember those days when I fallen a sleep alone in the cinema
When all the people burst into laughter watching the movie, you fell asleep in that cozy red chair with some caramelized smell of popcorn around you
Just because that is the comfortable surrounding you want to hear after a long time being alone

And that was when I realized how lonely I feel lately..
My heart is pressed, my throat feels dry
The tears almost rolling from my eyes
but I smiled at the situation and try to enjoy it.

If its the lonely road you got to take, walk on it..
That was the time when I finally decided to be more silent in front of you
I am used to be this lonely, I am not used to have you around, anymore
Now it feels okay, even if you choose to go away its okay

That’s a good sign, right?

You told me when I can finally feel okay without you around means I am independent enough to live my life..
And you know what, its okay to leave me behind, let me enjoy my loneliness..

From the bottom of my heart, I am glad we met.

Yes, my heart is broken, but meeting you allow me to feel loved and cared for, although many times you hurt my feelings.

You taught me things in life that I will always carry with me from now on

You taught me how to be patient, mature, and how to communicate my feelings.

There were the things in life I never knew until I met you, and if I was given a chance to do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I would trade anything in this world because even though we are turning into strangers again, what we had will always be the most important thing to me.

Thank you love, for popping up into my miserable life.

Sincerely letting you go once you really want me to go out of your life.

