Possibility in Goodbye

Clarina Tiara Agneta
2 min readApr 16, 2023


Remember when we lay and talk till 6am?

Remember when we took long walks holding hands?

Wouldn’t it be nice to do those things again?

When do we forget we supposed to be best of friends?

NP: Sam James- The First Time

Now its quite too late to get those things back, I guess

We have been walking too far to each others heart

And you choose to stop and not continue walking

Now I am here walking alone trying to understand why you are stopping

Take you out to dinner we’d be laughing never check our phones

I’d psych myself up in the mirror just to take you home

Wouldn’t it be nice to fall in love again?

When did we forget we supposed to be more than friends?

I knew deep down you don’t want to continue any of this far

I know I have been trying to let you go too for the past 2 months before today

Today I choose to stay and wait, although there is still possibility in goodbye

I want to see whether my playful best friend is still inside you somewhere

I want to wait for that best friend to call me out and play again

I really miss my best friend, he is inside you, you are the same person.

But now I feel like I don’t know you at all.

If you wanna get it back

Gotta put a little time in it

Been at it for a while, but now I know we ain’t finished

Dear my best friend of mine,

Will you ever show up again to make this relationship warmer?

Cause I feel cold right now, I wish we could go out and play.

Random calls at night, stupid VN at the end of the day.

Video calls between your busy days at work in your office.

And more night calls whenever you just want to see me sleeping on your screen phone.

Dear best friend, are you there?

Where should we go next? More MRT dates?

More museum dates?

Or should I just walk alone now and get a day for my self.

It is sad to lost you in this relationship.

Dear best friend, let me know if you need someone to play again.

Cause I will always miss those fun days with you.

