A Letter to a Good Friend of Mine

Clarina Tiara Agneta
2 min readJan 20, 2024


Hello there,

I feel like we’ve never been talking as a good friend anymore till’ today. You were a great friend for me before, I was feeling super loved when I was your friend. Thank you for taking care of me all this time.

Dear friend, it feels like everything between us is changing so fast. I cannot say I am not happy about things happen between us, but I must say I am happier when you were just a friend of mine.

Idk what makes you change a lot?

What makes you change?

Where were a great friend who can come so sudden just to bring me out to get a great food?

Where were that friend who keeps on joking with me when we have a nice video call while waiting for you to go home from the office?

Where were that friend who comes to my place just to listen and wipe my tears when I talked about something hurting me?

Well I guess because now you’re the reason that makes me cry, you have grown a lot of tiredness because you tried to figure me out everytime..

I am sorry we ended up like this, friend.

Is it wrong if sometimes I miss that old friend to show up? Now all that I have is a long call night after your tired day. I don’t get the funny daily moment that you randomly shared through pictures or simply chitchat. I have lost you my friend.

Now all I have is the awkwardness to talk honestly between each other cause I am afraid I am gonna lose you or you’ll get angry. All I do is to stay silent unless you ask me to say a thing..

My dear great friend, I miss you.

After all that happen between us, will you be my friend again instead of lover?

I think you’re not happy with me.

Of course let me know if this thought is wrong.

I just lost you somehow, I lost you, my friend.

I am sorry for all the things that I did.

I hope we can be a good friend again.

One day.

Although I love you so much,

I have to do this.

I have to let you go.

For your our happiness.

For our better life ahead.

Dear a good friend of mine, you are a nice man. Nice friend. You are hardworker, I love spending my time with you.

Its just since you are my boyfriend I don’t see the same person. I don’t see that you’re happy to have this relationship with me. The more I let this relationship go further, the more I lost that happy friend of mine. And I don’t want to force this things anymore.. You should have been my friend only..

Its all my fault..

I am so sorry..

but hey, I miss you my friend, I hope one day

We can be friend again.

For now, let us go my friend.

Let us go, and end this things.

Clarina is signing out.

